2007/08/27 | coldfusion8 新特征与免费试用!
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全球软体大厂奥多比今日宣布众所瞩目的 Adobe ColdFusion 8 正式上市,这项专为打造动态网页及网际网路应用程序所设计的强大开发工具,能大幅提升开发人员的生产力,并与复杂的企业环境整合,为使用者带来丰富且极具 魅力的应用程序体验。今年5月推出开放测试版后,已吸引超过14,000位开发人员抢先导入使用ColdFusion 8 ,并一致对ColdFusion 8 的各项全新效能表示高度赞赏。

ColdFusion 8 的服务器监测(Server Monitor)功能将可使开发人员快速辨识系统瓶颈,调整服务器的最佳效能。「ColdFusion 8 的服务器监测功能非常优异,可提供更为精细(granular-level) 的存取,用以辨别延迟的请求作业及中止错误的进程。」Lightyear Network Solutions公司程序设计经理Nick Walters表示:「我们能够确切掌握详细状况,了解哪一项请求占用程序最久,以及哪一个页面的对象执行效率不佳。ColdFusion 8 的服务器监测功能,的确大幅领先了市场上同级的应用程序。」

ColdFusion 8 能够让开发人员将他们的ColdFusion应用程序密切整合到各项Adobe技术中,例如Adobe Flex、PDF、Adobe Integrated Runtime(AIR)及Adobe LiveCycle。ColdFusion 8 同时采用Ajax组件,可让开发人员将复杂的环境整合为直觉式界面,藉以设计及部署高度吸引用户的多样化应用程序。「身为娱乐领域相关企业,必须为用户提 供各式丰富而多样化的娱乐服务。透过Adobe ColdFusion 8 与Flex应用程序的轻松整合,我们得以持续为客户结合丰富内容及重要资讯,供应各种极具吸引力的线上服务。」XM Canada公司互动式服务暨网页行销部门创意总监Nolan Debeau表示:「我们透过ColdFusion 8应用程序与Adobe Flex及Ajax充分整合,以重新编写网站的部分内容。奥多比的确完成了一项非常了不起的工作,提供我们更为多样化的开发环境,用以设计并部署更具吸引 力的应用程序。」

ColdFusion 8 能延伸支持多样化的平台与系统,包括.NET整合、支持Microsoft Windows Vista、并可整合于最新一代的企业资料库,让组织大幅提升效率、兼容度及可靠性。「与Exchange及.NET的创新整合,让ColdFusion 8 拥有更为杰出的功能。ColdFusion能在多种不同类型的系统间进行沟通,这样的效能在过去是非常难以达成的!」美国密执安州立大学通讯系统分析专家 Nicholas Kwiatkowski表示:「透过ColdFusion 8,我们将能以惊人的速度来进行应用程序开发,并以最精简的流程与程序设计资源,将这些应用程序提供部署给客户,ColdFusion 8 确实为我们大幅节省重要的开发时间。」

ColdFusion 8 提供两种版本:ColdFusion 8 企业版是一项高效率的解决方案,能为单一或多部服务器提供多重网站及应用程序建置,或应用安装于现有的J2EE应用程序服务器上;ColdFusion 8 标准版能针对单一应用程序进行易于管理的规划配置,非常适用于中小型企业。企业版价格为NT 275,500元(以双CPU为单位计算),标准版售价则为NT 60,830元(以双CPU为单位计算)。透过免费的Developer Edition开发人员版本,无须支付费用即可使用ColdFusion来进行开发工作,Developer Edition是仅供开发使用的完整功能服务器版本。针对拥有ColdFusion MX 6及7合法授权的用户,也提供了特别的升级价格。

Performance increases

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software delivers significant performance improvements over all earlier releases of the product.

ColdFusion 8 performance brief (PDF, 489k)

Server Monitor

ColdFusion 8 introduces the new Server Monitor and Multiserver Monitor. By providing information about the server — including requests, queries, memory usage, and errors — the Server Monitor allows you to troubleshoot and fine-tune applications in development and in production. You can also set alerts and other actions to help prevent memory problems, slow pages, or other issues that would negatively impact a user's experience with the application.

Learn more

PDF features

ColdFusion 8 applications can dynamically generate and interact with PDF documents and forms for a printable, portable way to intelligently capture and share information.

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Ajax features

ColdFusion 8 can easily provide data to existing Ajax applications and frameworks. You can use simple tags to access a large library of prebuilt Ajax user interface components such as rich text editors, data grids, tree controls, tab navigators, and more.

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.NET integration

With ColdFusion 8, you can specify any .NET object — either local or remote — and use it in your ColdFusion application, just like any Java™ or other object resource.

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Microsoft Exchange Server integration

ColdFusion 8 applications can programmatically access Exchange Server functionality such as calendars, tasks, and contacts.

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Interactive debugger

ColdFusion 8 introduces an Eclipse™ plug-in debugger. Use it to set breakpoints, watch variables, and step through code, making it easier to debug all your application code.

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Adobe Flex integration

ColdFusion 8 now includes Adobe LiveCycle® Data Services ES (formerly Flex™ Data Services) and other data exchange improvements to simplify the data-enabling of rich Internet applications (RIAs) you build with ColdFusion and Flex.

Learn more

Per-application settings

ColdFusion 8 allows you to set ColdFusion mappings and custom tag paths on a per-application basis.


ColdFusion 8 introduces the new CFTHREAD tag, which allows you to create, end, join together, or temporarily suspend the processing of specific ColdFusion threads.

Image manipulation

ColdFusion 8 adds more than 50 new tags and functions for creating and manipulating images, from simple to sophisticated. For example, the new CFIMAGE tag provides shortcuts to the most common image actions, including reading, writing, resizing, rotating, and converting images.

Presentations on demand

ColdFusion 8 allows you to dynamically create multimedia experiences and eLearning courses with animation, audio, and video. These high-quality, on-demand presentations are generated on the server with up-to-the-minute data and content from multiple external sources.

View a demo of this new functionality

Atom and RSS feeds

ColdFusion 8 introduces the new CFFEED tag, which can read and create RSS and Atom feeds in commonly used formats, so you can quickly and easily create complex content syndication applications.

ZIP and JAR file features

ColdFusion 8 introduces two new tags, CFZIP and CFZIPPARAM, so you can manipulate ZIP and JAR files for working with file archives.

User-based Administrator and RDS access

ColdFusion 8 allows you to create multiple ColdFusion Administrator and Remote Development Services (RDS) accounts with individual permissions, so you can tailor Administrator and RDS access to fit your specific security needs. The roles assigned to a user determine which pages in the ColdFusion Administrator and which functions in the Administrator API a user can access.

Improved file manipulation functions

ColdFusion 8 adds several new file manipulation functions to the ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), most notably the ability to read and write large files in defined segments, rather than in a single operation.

JavaScript operators in CFML

ColdFusion 8 supports common JavaScript operators such as ++, ==, ||, <, and > so they can be used in CFML expressions.

CFC improvements

ColdFusion 8 adds several highly requested improvements to ColdFusion components (CFCs), including the ability to create interface definitions, use J2EE session replication in a cluster, have access to the CFCs in session data across all the machines in a cluster, and use the new onMissing Method function.

Strong encryption libraries

ColdFusion 8 now includes RSA BSAFE Crypto-J libraries, which provide FIPs 140-certified strong encryption.

Reporting enhancements

ColdFusion 8 introduces a completely new version of the ColdFusion Report Builder. Use it to create high-quality, structured reports with more output choices and a more consistent look and feel throughout your applications. You can also create and apply cascading style sheet (CSS) definitions to reports, export your reports in HTML or XML format, and create report styles for all of your reports.

Database interaction improvements

ColdFusion 8 supports nested transactions, provides a new DBINFO tag to programmatically access information about a data source, allows stored procedures and queries using CFQUERYPARAM to be cached, and much more. Plus, there is expanded database driver support with new options for SQL Server 2005, Oracle 10g, Sybase ASE15, MySQL 4 and 5, PostgreSQL 8, and others.

Argument collections

ColdFusion 8 makes it much simpler to code tags with many attributes. You can now specify an argumentsCollection attribute in most tags to specify the tag's attributes in a single structure.

Array and structure creation improvements

ColdFusion 8 allows you to create arrays and structures implicitly in assignment statements without using the ArrayNew or Structnew functions. The result is cleaner code with less typing.

Expanded platform, OS, and database support

ColdFusion 8 offers broad platform support with notable additions of Mac OS X on Intel®, JBoss, 64-bit support on Solaris™, JDK 1.5 and JDK 1.6, and support for VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server.

ColdFusion 8 System Support Matrix (PDF, 61k)

